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Lecture 3: LSTMs and GRUs Code #

from ipywidgets import widgets
out1 = widgets.Output()
with out1:
  from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo
  video = YouTubeVideo(id=f"4vryB1QhBNc", width=854, height=480, fs=1, rel=0)
  print("Video available at" +
from IPython import display as IPyDisplay
    <a href= "" target="_blank">
    <img src=""
  alt="button link to Airtable" style="width:200px"></a>
    </div>""" )
import os
import time

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from import TensorDataset, DataLoader

from tqdm import tqdm_notebook
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

# Define data root directory
data_dir = ""
# Visualise how our data looks
pd.read_csv(data_dir + 'AEP_hourly.csv').head()
Datetime AEP_MW
0 2004-12-31 01:00:00 13478.0
1 2004-12-31 02:00:00 12865.0
2 2004-12-31 03:00:00 12577.0
3 2004-12-31 04:00:00 12517.0
4 2004-12-31 05:00:00 12670.0
# The scaler objects will be stored in this dictionary so that our output test data from the model can be re-scaled during evaluation
label_scalers = {}

train_x = []
test_x = {}
test_y = {}

dir_list = ['COMED_hourly.csv','DAYTON_hourly.csv','DEOK_hourly.csv','DOM_hourly.csv','DUQ_hourly.csv',
for file in dir_list: 
    # Skipping the files we're not using
    if file[-4:] != ".csv" or file == "pjm_hourly_est.csv":
    # Store csv file in a Pandas DataFrame
    df = pd.read_csv('{}/{}'.format(data_dir, file), parse_dates=[0])
    # Processing the time data into suitable input formats
    df['hour'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['Datetime'].hour,axis=1)
    df['dayofweek'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['Datetime'].dayofweek,axis=1)
    df['month'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['Datetime'].month,axis=1)
    df['dayofyear'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['Datetime'].dayofyear,axis=1)
    df = df.sort_values("Datetime").drop("Datetime",axis=1)
    # Scaling the input data
    sc = MinMaxScaler()
    label_sc = MinMaxScaler()
    data = sc.fit_transform(df.values)
    # Obtaining the Scale for the labels(usage data) so that output can be re-scaled to actual value during evaluation[:,0].values.reshape(-1,1))
    label_scalers[file] = label_sc
    # Define lookback period and split inputs/labels
    lookback = 90
    inputs = np.zeros((len(data)-lookback,lookback,df.shape[1]))
    labels = np.zeros(len(data)-lookback)
    for i in range(lookback, len(data)):
        inputs[i-lookback] = data[i-lookback:i]
        labels[i-lookback] = data[i,0]
    inputs = inputs.reshape(-1,lookback,df.shape[1])
    labels = labels.reshape(-1,1)
    # Split data into train/test portions and combining all data from different files into a single array
    test_portion = int(0.1*len(inputs))
    if len(train_x) == 0:
        train_x = inputs[:-test_portion]
        train_y = labels[:-test_portion]
        train_x = np.concatenate((train_x,inputs[:-test_portion]))
        train_y = np.concatenate((train_y,labels[:-test_portion]))
    test_x[file] = (inputs[-test_portion:])
    test_y[file] = (labels[-test_portion:])
batch_size = 1024
train_data = TensorDataset(torch.from_numpy(train_x), torch.from_numpy(train_y))
train_loader = DataLoader(train_data, shuffle=True, batch_size=batch_size, drop_last=True)
# torch.cuda.is_available() checks and returns a Boolean True if a GPU is available, else it'll return False
is_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()

# If we have a GPU available, we'll set our device to GPU. We'll use this device variable later in our code.
if is_cuda:
    device = torch.device("cuda")
    device = torch.device("cpu")
class GRUNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, n_layers, drop_prob=0.2):
        super(GRUNet, self).__init__()
        self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
        self.n_layers = n_layers
        self.gru = nn.GRU(input_dim, hidden_dim, n_layers, batch_first=True, dropout=drop_prob)
        self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, output_dim)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()
    def forward(self, x, h):
        out, h = self.gru(x, h)
        out = self.fc(self.relu(out[:,-1]))
        return out, h
    def init_hidden(self, batch_size):
        weight = next(self.parameters()).data
        hidden =, batch_size, self.hidden_dim).zero_().to(device)
        return hidden

class LSTMNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, n_layers, drop_prob=0.2):
        super(LSTMNet, self).__init__()
        self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
        self.n_layers = n_layers
        self.lstm = nn.LSTM(input_dim, hidden_dim, n_layers, batch_first=True, dropout=drop_prob)
        self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, output_dim)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()
    def forward(self, x, h):
        out, h = self.lstm(x, h)
        out = self.fc(self.relu(out[:,-1]))
        return out, h
    def init_hidden(self, batch_size):
        weight = next(self.parameters()).data
        hidden = (, batch_size, self.hidden_dim).zero_().to(device),
        , batch_size, self.hidden_dim).zero_().to(device))
        return hidden
def train(train_loader, learn_rate, hidden_dim=256, EPOCHS=3, model_type="GRU"):
    # Setting common hyperparameters
    input_dim = next(iter(train_loader))[0].shape[2]
    output_dim = 1
    n_layers = 2
    # Instantiating the models
    if model_type == "GRU":
        model = GRUNet(input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, n_layers)
        model = LSTMNet(input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, n_layers)
    # Defining loss function and optimizer
    criterion = nn.MSELoss()
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learn_rate)
    print("Starting Training of {} model".format(model_type))
    epoch_times = []
    # Start training loop
    for epoch in range(1,EPOCHS+1):
        start_time = time.clock()
        h = model.init_hidden(batch_size)
        avg_loss = 0.
        counter = 0
        for x, label in train_loader:
            counter += 1
            if model_type == "GRU":
                h =
                h = tuple([ for e in h])
            out, h = model(, h)
            loss = criterion(out,
            avg_loss += loss.item()
            if counter%200 == 0:
                print("Epoch {}......Step: {}/{}....... Average Loss for Epoch: {}".format(epoch, counter, len(train_loader), avg_loss/counter))
        current_time = time.clock()
        print("Epoch {}/{} Done, Total Loss: {}".format(epoch, EPOCHS, avg_loss/len(train_loader)))
        print("Total Time Elapsed: {} seconds".format(str(current_time-start_time)))
    print("Total Training Time: {} seconds".format(str(sum(epoch_times))))
    return model

def evaluate(model, test_x, test_y, label_scalers):
    outputs = []
    targets = []
    start_time = time.clock()
    for i in test_x.keys():
        inp = torch.from_numpy(np.array(test_x[i]))
        labs = torch.from_numpy(np.array(test_y[i]))
        h = model.init_hidden(inp.shape[0])
        out, h = model(, h)
    print("Evaluation Time: {}".format(str(time.clock()-start_time)))
    sMAPE = 0
    for i in range(len(outputs)):
        sMAPE += np.mean(abs(outputs[i]-targets[i])/(targets[i]+outputs[i])/2)/len(outputs)
    print("sMAPE: {}%".format(sMAPE*100))
    return outputs, targets, sMAPE
lr = 0.001
gru_model = train(train_loader, lr, model_type="GRU")
Lstm_model = train(train_loader, lr, model_type="LSTM")
Starting Training of GRU model
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ DeprecationWarning: time.clock has been deprecated in Python 3.3 and will be removed from Python 3.8: use time.perf_counter or time.process_time instead
Epoch 1......Step: 200/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.006096988379722461
Epoch 1......Step: 400/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.0033717130668082973
Epoch 1......Step: 600/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.0023807923902253
Epoch 1......Step: 800/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.0018677535402821376
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ DeprecationWarning: time.clock has been deprecated in Python 3.3 and will be removed from Python 3.8: use time.perf_counter or time.process_time instead
Epoch 1/3 Done, Total Loss: 0.0017741594380555291
Total Time Elapsed: 125.45646 seconds
Epoch 2......Step: 200/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.00023937143669172656
Epoch 2......Step: 400/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.00023066764828399755
Epoch 2......Step: 600/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.0002169433935099126
Epoch 2......Step: 800/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.0002091762806958286
Epoch 2/3 Done, Total Loss: 0.0002064857040600413
Total Time Elapsed: 130.49326200000002 seconds
Epoch 3......Step: 200/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.00016747852416301612
Epoch 3......Step: 400/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.00016314030850480776
Epoch 3......Step: 600/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.00015525763972012405
Epoch 3......Step: 800/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.00015253184241373674
Epoch 3/3 Done, Total Loss: 0.00015117165770361146
Total Time Elapsed: 131.01842499999998 seconds
Total Training Time: 386.968147 seconds
Starting Training of LSTM model
Epoch 1......Step: 200/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.01742906263214536
Epoch 1......Step: 400/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.009573000348755158
Epoch 1......Step: 600/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.006692949180433061
Epoch 1......Step: 800/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.005174602072074776
Epoch 1/3 Done, Total Loss: 0.004901739941800342
Total Time Elapsed: 157.33527200000003 seconds
Epoch 2......Step: 200/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.00045957421520142816
Epoch 2......Step: 400/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.00042132533373660406
Epoch 2......Step: 600/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.00039139978495465283
Epoch 2......Step: 800/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.0003637413315118465
Epoch 2/3 Done, Total Loss: 0.00035697229251073785
Total Time Elapsed: 157.62731499999995 seconds
Epoch 3......Step: 200/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.0002447167839272879
Epoch 3......Step: 400/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.00023587409501487855
Epoch 3......Step: 600/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.00022476817039811673
Epoch 3......Step: 800/850....... Average Loss for Epoch: 0.00021843789189006203
Epoch 3/3 Done, Total Loss: 0.0002170798575731597
Total Time Elapsed: 157.80152699999996 seconds
Total Training Time: 472.76411399999995 seconds
gru_outputs, targets, gru_sMAPE = evaluate(gru_model, test_x, test_y, label_scalers)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ DeprecationWarning: time.clock has been deprecated in Python 3.3 and will be removed from Python 3.8: use time.perf_counter or time.process_time instead
Evaluation Time: 3.7276449999999386
sMAPE: 0.28466981483230724%
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ DeprecationWarning: time.clock has been deprecated in Python 3.3 and will be removed from Python 3.8: use time.perf_counter or time.process_time instead
lstm_outputs, targets, lstm_sMAPE = evaluate(Lstm_model, test_x, test_y, label_scalers)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ DeprecationWarning: time.clock has been deprecated in Python 3.3 and will be removed from Python 3.8: use time.perf_counter or time.process_time instead
Evaluation Time: 4.873326999999904
sMAPE: 0.32362494872049735%
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ DeprecationWarning: time.clock has been deprecated in Python 3.3 and will be removed from Python 3.8: use time.perf_counter or time.process_time instead
plt.plot(gru_outputs[0][-100:], "-o", color="g", label="Predicted")
plt.plot(targets[0][-100:], color="b", label="Actual")
plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (MW)')

plt.plot(gru_outputs[8][-50:], "-o", color="g", label="Predicted")
plt.plot(targets[8][-50:], color="b", label="Actual")
plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (MW)')

plt.plot(gru_outputs[4][:50], "-o", color="g", label="Predicted")
plt.plot(targets[4][:50], color="b", label="Actual")
plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (MW)')

plt.plot(lstm_outputs[6][:100], "-o", color="g", label="Predicted")
plt.plot(targets[6][:100], color="b", label="Actual")
plt.ylabel('Energy Consumption (MW)')
